One fine day, four leading professionals in their sectors joined forces to give birth to the porCausa foundation.

Today we are many more.

We are non-partisan, work with a gender perspective and communicate from new narratives. We believe that all stories are important and we aspire that all experiences have a place in the media.

Executive Team

Imagen de Lucila

Lucila Rodríguez-Alarcón
General Director

Imagen de Gonzalo

Gonzalo Fanjul
Research Director

Imagen de Chantal

Chantal García de la Riva Touzet
Director of operations

Imagen de Jose

José Bautista
Director of journalistic investigations

Imagen de Patricia

Patricia Macías
Journalism and Content Coordinator

Imagen de Vanesa

Vanesa Martín Gallego
Projects and New Narratives Coordinator

Julia Delfini
Community Coordinator

Imagen de Cristina

Cristina Fuentes Lara
Research Coordinator

Pablo Fernández
Audiovisual Communication and Social Media Coordinator

Oussama Mazari
Administrative technician

Gumersindo Lafuente

Sara Yañez Domenech

Rosental Calmon Alves

Kevin Watkins

Marta Foresti

David Jimenez

Mirta Drago

Amalia Blanco

Cristina Manzanedo

Moussa al Jammat

Ismael Galvez Iniesta

Eileen Truax

Ayham al-Ghareeb

Muhammed Subat

Okba Mohamed

Sara Ortega

Salvador Gómez

Pilar Hurtado



We defend diversity

We work with empathy

Caring matters

All action is political

Love as a banner

Co-creating is the way

If you want to become part of our network of collaborators you can give us your candidacy so we can count on you.

Talent Pool

We do not have any openings at this time.

There are several ways you can participate and it’s adaptable to your time, willingness, and possibilities. We are flexible and sure that we can find a way that works for everyone.

Become a lover

As a member or donor, you can hack the system. With your donation, you can deduct up to 80% of your contributions from your annual income tax.

+ info here

Become a volunteer

We have a completely renewed volunteer plan that you can join at any time of the year. Write us telling us about yourself at

+ info here

Do a university internship

We have agreements with numerous universities so that you can validate your internship with us. You will learn from the best and you will be able to expand your professional network. Write to us at

Become a subscriber

Our monthly newsletter is free and you will receive it every month in your inbox. You will have access to recommendations of books, series, movies, cultural events, and much more about migrant culture.

Become a fan

You can participate in events, outreach and fundraising activities. Share our publications, tell your friends and family about our work and spread narratives of love.

+ info here
More Information

Conoce nuestro plan de voluntariado
Conoce nuestro plan de igualdad