Registered in 2013 by the Spanish protectorate of foundations, in porCausa we stop hate speech and change the perception that the majority has on migration through our circular narratives’ methodology
Registered in 2013 by the Spanish protectorate of foundations, in porCausa we stop hate speech and change the perception that the majority has on migration through our circular narratives’ methodology
This is our own replicable methodology that includes creative thinking processes for general content, theories on discourse substitution such as new narratives, and new forms of research combining journalistic and academic approaches.
We create purposeful content and connect large audiences with high-quality information, combining research, journalism, communication and narratives on migration. We want to change perceptions to stop hate speech and build a diverse and fearless society. Because information is the beginning of change.
We Reached
accumulated annual audience
international conferences concerning journalism and migrations
journalistic pieces
academic articles
journalistic investigations
workshops and conferences