Young migrants have been the target of hate speech in recent years. Hundreds of young migrants decide to leave their homes while still minors, to find a better life in other countries. However, after a dangerous journey in which many lose their lives, they arrive at their destination country where things are not as they expect. Most of them end up going through a chain of juvenile facilities, and with hardly any adult reference, they have to learn to survive as children.

Youth is a particularly complex time, a time of special importance in developing one’s self and who one will be as an adult.

These young people are forced to transition to adulthood without a family, facing racism and adapting to a new culture, language, and customs that usually subject them to a series of impossible bureaucratic processes. Spain’s foster care system is broken, and these children suffer its consequences daily, and there are political parties that take advantage of their vulnerability to gain voters.

From porCausa we work to provide information and data to promote our own spaces for the creation of youth, favoring family fostering as a vital and narrative solution for living together in harmony with migrant children and youth.

Comprender y reimaginar las narrativas de la juventud migrante en España

Entendiendo y reimaginando las narrativas sobre la juventud migrante

New ways of telling migration narratives: a toolkit

A migration portrayal of 30 years of death in the channel

La acogida de menores migrantes en España

Families for migrant children

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