Data of the owner of the website
Name: Fundación porCausa
Address: C/Moratines 9, local D. 28005 Madrid
Telephone: +34 609 40 61 34
Contact email:

This section provides users with all the information related to the legal terms and conditions that bind them to the website. The porCausa Foundation (hereinafter, porCausa) as responsible for the web assumes the commitment to process the information of the users of the same with full guarantees and to comply with the national and community requirements for the collection and treatment of their personal data.

General conditions of use
These general conditions regulate the use (including mere access) of the pages comprising the website. Any person accessing the web, therefore, accepts to be subject to the general conditions in force at any time.

Consult our Cookies Policy 

Collection of personal data
Access information about our Privacy Policy.

Commitments and obligations
The user is informed and accepts that access to the web does not imply the beginning of any type of relationship with porCausa. In this way, the users commit themselves to using the information and contents of the web in accordance with the legislation in force and without contravening the good faith or the public order. It is forbidden to use the web for illicit or harmful purposes or that, in any way, may cause damage or impede the normal operation of the same. Regarding its contents, it is expressly prohibited:

– Its reproduction, distribution, or use for commercial or advertising purposes.
– Its total or partial modification unless with the express authorization of its legitimate owners.

The user of the website undertakes not to carry out any conduct that could damage the image, interests, and rights of the porCausa website or third parties or that could damage, disable, or overload the website or in any way prevent its normal use.

On the other hand, the user must be aware that Internet computer systems are not completely safe and that, therefore, the porCausa web cannot guarantee at all times the inexistence of viruses or other elements that may cause alterations in the user’s computer systems.

Security measures
The personal data communicated by the user to porCausa may be stored in automated or non-automated databases, whose ownership is exclusive of porCausa, who will assume the appropriate technical, organizational, and security measures to guarantee the confidentiality, integrity, and quality of the information of the same in accordance with the regulations in force regarding data protection.

The user may make claims via email to indicating your name and surname and stating the reasons for your claim.

Intellectual property
All intellectual property rights on the web (including but not limited to texts, images, logos, signs, sounds, animations, videos, source code, design, navigation structure, databases…) are owned by porCausa, which holds the right to exploit them in any form and especially the rights of reproduction, distribution, public communication, and transformation.

The access to the porCausa website or its use cannot be considered in any way as granting any right, authorization, or license of any kind with respect to such rights, contents, or information. The reproduction, distribution, public communication, and transformation, in any form, of any content subject to porCausa’s intellectual property rights is forbidden, unless the source is mentioned (porCausa), its use does not involve commercial purposes and porCausa licenses its new creations under the same conditions (Creative Commons: attribution-share alike).

porCausa reserves the right to claim from the user the illicit use of the materials and contents of the website in violation of intellectual property rights.

By virtue of the Intellectual Property Law, the reproduction, distribution and public communication, including its modality of making available all or part of its contents for commercial purposes in any support or by any technical means without the previous authorization of porCausa is expressly forbidden.
In the event that a user or third party considers that there has been a violation of their legitimate intellectual property rights by the introduction of certain content on the web, they must notify porCausa of such circumstance indicating:

– Personal data of the interested party owner of the allegedly infringed rights or indicate the representation with which he/she acts in case the claim is filed by a third party other than the interested party.
– Indicate the contents protected by intellectual property rights and their location on the web, the accreditation of the intellectual property rights indicated, and an express statement in which the interested party is responsible for the veracity of the information provided in the notification.

External links
porCausa, through its website, provides links to other sites and contents that are property of third parties (other animal protection organizations or associations, collaborators’ web pages, etc.). The only purpose of these links is to provide the user with information for free access and use and should not presuppose the existence of a relationship between porCausa and the owner of these other websites, nor the acceptance or approval by porCausa of their contents or services.               porCausa, in any case, is not responsible for the results that may be derived by the user due to the access to these links.

Exclusions of guarantees and responsibilities
porCausa is not responsible for damages of any nature that may derive from:

– The lack of availability, maintenance, or effective functioning of the web or its services and contents;

– The existence of viruses, malicious or harmful programs in its contents; – The illicit, negligent, fraudulent or contrary use to this Legal Notice;

– The lack of legality, quality, reliability, usefulness, and availability of the services provided by third parties and made available to users through this web;

– The illegal or improper use of the web.

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction
In general, the relations between porCausa and the users of its web page are subject to Spanish legislation and jurisdiction and the courts of Madrid.

In case of doubts about these Legal Conditions or any comment related to the Privacy Policy or treatment of personal data, please contact The Legal Notice was last updated on May 22, 2018.