For over 300 million people around the world, the possibility of moving to work in another country is the fastest and most effective way out of poverty. In doing so, they also benefit the countries in which they settle and those where they come from. They enrich them with their skills, their fiscal contributions, and their diversity. As Europe and other regions age, migration is essential to narrowing the inequality gap and cushioning global demographic imbalances.

Our migration systems, unfortunately, are not designed to multiply these benefits but to destroy them. With their semi-closed-door model, which denies opportunities for legal, safe, and orderly migration to those who want to arrive and are needed, the governments of the richest countries encourage irregular migration and have generated an unprecedented humanitarian crisis at our borders.

porCausa wants to drive a conversation on this issue. With our reports, research, and roundtables, we want to talk about human mobility as a right and an opportunity. A conversation based on facts, not myths. And we want all stakeholders to participate in it, starting with migrant workers themselves.


Consult our work on this topic:

La movilidad laboral como oportunidad para la salud global. Una perspectiva africana.

Cinco buenas razones para aprobar una regularización extraordinaria de migrantes sin papeles.

Balance de un año del Pacto de Migración y Asilo de la Unión Europea.

Contribution to call on the use of mercenaries in immigration and border management and the impact on the protection of the human rights of migrants.

A migration portrayal of 30 years of death in the channel

Melilla and the border exceptionality 

Nuevo Pacto de Migración y Asilo de la Unión Europea.

Foreign, essential and undocumented: A snapshot of irregular immigration in Spain

European and Spanish calendar on migration and asylum 2021-2022