The Mérida Conference was born in 2018 with the aim to create a space to reflect and debate on the production of specialized information on migration. Migration is a cross-cutting issue, and therefore, journalism needs to provide specialized coverage on the subject that fits the complexity it deserves. Our aim is to promote an innovative and in-depth debate on migration coverage in national and international media, and to this end, every year more than 120 journalists from all over the world meet in the city of Mérida, Extremadura, in Spain. The Congress thus becomes a safe space for work and exchange, where journalistic networks are created and projects are born that otherwise would never take place.
El impacto narrativo y mediático del Congreso de Mérida es notable y desde su creación se ha consolidado como un evento de referencia en el mundo del periodismo. La marca del Congreso está presente desde hace 6 años en América Latina, Estados Unidos, Europa, África y Asia logrando un alcance transoceánico que lo posicionan como el mayor Congreso de Periodismo de Migraciones del mundo.